Seeking help for the challenges of life, regardless of severity, is never an easy step to take. Even today, a stigma against counseling exists. So, once that difficult first step has been taken (which is often the hardest part!) and an initial visit or consultation has been set, how can you know that this counselor is the “right” one? Keep reading to learn how to find the right counselor for you.
Questions to Ask a Prospective Counselor
Here is a list of suggested questions to ask a prospective counselor to help you make that decision:
Initially, it may be worthwhile to ask basic questions regarding the counselor’s background, style, and how they generally conduct business. For example:
-What is their cancellation policy?
-What are their qualifications and credentials?
-What is their availability?
-How much do sessions cost?
-What are their area(s) of expertise?
-What do they believe to be their strengths as a counselor?
Ask About Treatment Specifics
It is also useful to get an idea of what kind of treatment this individual will be providing, so prepare to ask questions such as:
-How will they help to resolve the specific issues presented?
-Who will “lead” the sessions?
-What does their treatment generally look like? (i.e, are sessions more focused on practicing useful skills, such as role-play or general teaching with take-home assignments?)
-How do they set up counseling goals? What would be a “successful” outcome?
By asking these questions and considering how you felt during that first interaction, making a decision about who to see for the life-changing process of counseling can be more manageable. As you try to find the right counselor for you, remain open and curious as you move through this journey.
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