How Do I Find the Right Counselor or Therapist?

Blue square with the revolution counseling logo top center. Text below reads, "Not every counselor is going to be the counselor for you"

You’ve decided you want to pursue counseling. Great! Now the task of finding a counselor.⁣

Not Every Counselor is Going To Be The Right Fit For You

The truth is: it might take a few tries before you find the right counselor for you. I compare it to shopping for jeans. You’re not going to buy the first pair you try on right? The same goes for a counselor.⁣

Talk with them. Meet with them. Give it a shot. And if it doesn’t feel right and you’re not getting what you need, you have a right as the client to say that and find another counselor.⁣

It is not easy. And it is important for you to know this: I personally am never offended when a client decides that I am not the counselor for them. Their journey is theirs to determine and all I really want is for them to get the support and healing that they want.⁣

⁣How To Find The Right Counselor or Therapist

Some tips that might be helpful as you’re finding the right counselor:⁣
Ask lots of questions!⁣
Try to talk to them on the phone if possible before the first session.⁣ P.S. You can speak with someone from our team via phone for a free discovery call.
Learn more about their experience with whatever concern you need support with⁣.

We know how important it is that you find the right fit. We hope that your journey takes you there.

Therapy for Life Transitions and Healing in Oregon and Online

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